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Investment to human resources is the main theme of capital investment philosophy of Dikkaya. Dikkaya gets principle to work with its staff for long years who are experts in their field, solution-oriented, compatible to Dikkaya team and corporate culture. Dikkaya’s human resources is so efficient by using “employ the right staff, in the right unit” system and also guides staff in their career planning. Dikkaya performs continous training as per the need of its staff and invest more to reach the planned careers.

Personels are awarded based on their weekly, montlhy, and yearly based performance evaluations, continuous performance development studies are operated up to the quality management systems.

Remuneration policy is applied considering the qualifications, skills, education, and level of responsibility as just as possible.

Main principles of our Human Resources Policy;

Establishing a system to select and employ staff who are capable to operate our activities in most effective and efficient manner.

Identifying training programs, ensuring their participation and evaluating results to sustain progress of our workers on improving conditions of our time.

Deciding to implement new technics by deriving ideas from our staff (through questionnaires, etc).

Making up corporate culture and conciousness through various kinds of social and cultural activities.

Ececuting necessary precautions to ensure our employee’s occupational health and safety.

Recruitment Policy:

DKY Valve has adopted the equal opportunity policy to all employee candidates. Performing training and orientation policies to adapt the assigned field after the recruitment.

The essential information about salary, career steps, training and health are given to employees and their opinions are considered. They are involved in process actively.

Beyond relevant provisions of Turkish Labor Law has been applied for all rights of employess without any exception, maximum care to prevent discrimination based on race, religion, or language and any physical or psychological bad treatment inside the company is taken.

Adaptation program:

After the recruitment period, an Orientation Program is implemented for our new team members to adapt their duty and to the corporate culture. Within this program, work guidance is performed and their improvement is followed up under the supervision of senior staff by giving corporate culture, equipment and team education and general information.

Evaluations of the workers after completing the Orientation Program are presented to company executives. The results are used to improve the program to be carried out in next period.

Internship chance at Dikkaya:

Dikkaya Group has trainee quota in its season defined for each season. These internships plays important role in determining career goals of the interns. The priority is given to students who are subjected to compulsory internship programs.  Dikkaya is aiming to employ succesful interns that show high performance in case any vacancy. Interns can use the rights of employees such as free service, food, etc.

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